jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008

Is Google Book Search APls Fair Use?

Google indicates that its Book Search is an

effort to make book content more discoverable on the Web http://books.google.com/. You can easily and reliably integrate with this repository from your site, in a number of ways:

• Embed book previews on your site. The Embedded Viewer API lets you embed Google Book Search previews on your own website and programmatically control these previews using JavaScript.

• Integrate search results and social features into your application. With our Data API, your application can perform full-text searches and retrieve book information, reviews, ratings, labels, and user libraries. You can also submit user-generated content through this API.

• Link reliably to Book Search. By adding some simple Javascript to your site, you can include more customizable, reliable links to Book Search content using ISBNs, LCCNs, OCLC numbers, and other standard identifiers...

Refiéranse a : http://code.google.com/apis/books/

Is Google Book Search Fair Use?

Recuerden visitar
http://egcti.upr.edu ; http://investigacreaeinnova@blogspot.com

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

IV Encuentro Internacional de Catalogadores

Desde el año 2003 mediante una serie de reuniones regionales en los diferentes continentes del mundo, la IFLA a través de la Sección de Catalogación ha propiciado la revisión y adaptación de los Principios Internacionales de Catalogación con la participación de expertos en la materia. Resultado de estas reuniones es la Declaración de los Principios Internacionales de Catalogación, junto a ella se han revisado otras normas internacionales para la descripción y sistematización de la información en cualquier soporte, como: las ISBDs, FRBR, FRANAR, etc.

Estas revisiones y planteamientos de las normas internacionales de la catalogación, fueron los antecedentes para que la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, organizase en octubre del 2005 el I Encuentro Internacional de Catalogadores “Nuevas Tendencias en la Normalización y Sistematización de la Información” , con la finalidad de compartir con los profesionales de la información los conocimientos y experiencias sobre el tratamiento de la información. Posteriormente, afianzando la finalidad y buscando lograr la participación cooperativa de nuestras bibliotecas en catalogación, en septiembre de 2006, el II Encuentro Internacional de Catalogación fue organizado por el Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y el Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas de México con la coorganización de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú bajo el título “Tendencias en la Teoría y Práctica de la Catalogación Bibliográfica”. En noviembre de 2007 la Biblioteca Nacional de Argentina dio continuidad a la difusión de los cambios de la catalogación en el ámbito internacional, al organizar el III Encuentro Internacional de Catalogadores “Tendencias Actuales en la Organización de la Información”.

En el presente año, del 22 al 24 de octubre, la Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia, y la Revista Bibliotecas & Tecnologías de la Información, se complacen en organizar e invitar al IV Encuentro Internacional de Catalogadores “La Organización de la Información Frente a los Cambios de las Normas Internacionales”.

Fecha y Lugar: 22-24 octubre 2009, Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Bogotá, Colombia

Objetivos del Encuentro:

  • Propiciar a los profesionales de la ciencia de la información y bibliotecología, las experiencias y los cambios que se suceden en el ámbito de la catalogación a nivel internacional.
  • Facilitar que los cambios sean incorporados en la organización de la información de las bibliotecas; que estos nuevos conocimientos sean tratados como temas de investigación y en los programas de estudio de las Facultades y Escuelas que forman profesionales en ciencia de la información y bibliotecología.

Destinatarios:_Profesionales de la ciencia de la información, bibliotecología, vinculados a cargos de dirección, práctica de la catalogación, educación e investigación.

Temario General:
  • Código Internacional de Catalogación.
  • Principios internacionales de catalogación – IME ICC, RDA, FRBR.
  • Los FRBR en la sistematización de la información.
  • Tendencias y aplicaciones.
  • Tecnologías de la información y comunicación en la catalogación.
  • Control de autoridades de nombres y de materias.
  • Gestión administrativa de los procesos de catalogación.
  • Metadatos y catalogación.
  • Cooperación en catalogación y control de autoridades.
  • Formación de catalogadores.
Para información adicional, refiéranse a la siguiente dirección:

Aportación de la Prof. Carmen Laura Aponte-Suárez, Egresada EGCTI <claponte2000@yahoo.com>

Recuerden visitar: http://egcti.upr.edu ; http://investigacreaeinnova.blogspot.com

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

In the Digital Age, Government Information gets Lost

Countless federal records are being lost to posterity because federal employees, grappling with a staggering growth in electronic records, do not regularly preserve the documents they create on government computers, send by email, and post on the Web.

Federal agencies have rushed to embrace the internet and new information technology, but their record-keeping efforts lag far behind. Moreover, federal investigators have found widespread violations of federal record-keeping requirements...

Lean información completa en: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/13/us/13records.html

Información aportada por Prof. María de los Angeles Zavala-Colón mzavala@coqui.net

Recuerden visitar:
http://egcti.upr.edu ; http://investigacreaeinnova.blogspot.com

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

National Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15-October 15, 2008

National Hispanic Heritage Month - About (This header graphic contains an image of 'Chest of Native Pine Painted in Oil')
The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society.
Ver información completa en: http://www.loc.gov/topics/hispanicheritage/about/

Recuerden visitar:
http://egcti.upr.edu ; http://investigacreaeinnova.blogspot.com

Saludos cordiales,
Luisa Vigo-Cepeda

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008

GKP Through The Looking Glass Series: An Interview with UNESCO's Abdul Waheed Khan

Hoy compartimos la entrevista realizada por el Global Knowledge Partnership a Abdul Waheed Khan, Director General Auxiliar de la Oficina de Comunicaciones e Información de la UNESCO.

Through The Looking Glass is the GKP [Global Knowledge Partnership] Network’s active channel for soliciting insights from prominent individuals on knowledge and ICT for development.

GKP is pleased to share this exclusive interview with Abdul Waheed Khan in which he shares his insights and experiences on education and learning with focus on the role of ICT and its importance in empowering people for socio-economic development.

Mr. Khan is Assistant Director-General for Communications and Information (CI) of UNESCO, and is a member of the GKP Executive Committee. He has played an instrumental role in the knowledge society movement, particularly in open and distance learning. He was also President and Chief Executive Officer (Vice-Chancellor) of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), one of the largest universities in the world with an enrollment exceeding 1.5 million students.

He was recently awarded the title 'Honorary Fellow' of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in recognition of his outstanding leadership in improving access to quality education and training using new information and communication technologies (ICT).

"If knowledge is the engine of development and technology is the fuel then without the fuel, the engine cannot run. Today the advancement of ICT allows us to look at a paradigm shift in teaching and learning," says Khan.


Recuerden visitar:

http://egcti.upr.edu ; http://investigacioncreaeinnova.blogspot.com

Saludos cordiales,

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda egctianauprblog@gmail.com

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

21st Century Skills, Education and Competitiveness

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is pleased to announce the release of our new report: 21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness.
You can download the report now from the Partnership's website:
21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness: A Resource and Policy Guide features:

· the strong link between viable economies and 21st century education systems

· two achievement gaps - domestic and global - prevalent throughout the United States education system

· the 21st century skills outcomes students, workers and citizens need in order to triumph in the global skills race that is central to the economic competitiveness issue currently facing the United States

· recommendations at the federal, state and local level to help ensure all graduates are capable of competing with their national and international peers.
The Partnership encourages you to disseminate this report to staff, constituents, board members and others and, if possible, link to the report from your Web site. Please include information about 21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness in your organization's publications such as internal and external newsletters.

The Partnership thanks the report sponsors: Ford Motor Company Fund, KnowledgeWorks Foundation and the National Education Association

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Erin Schmidt at eschmidt@eluminategroup.com.


A todos los Estudiantes de la EGCTI


El Comité del Examen Comprensivo en la Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información anuncia las fechas relacionadas con la administración del Examen para este semestre académico.

Miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008 – Orientación a Estudiantes, EGCTI Aula 313, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008 – Fecha límite de inscripción en la Oficina de Asuntos Estudiantiles EGCTI para tomar el examen.

Lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008 – Se administrará el Examen Comprensivo, de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m., EGCTI Aula 317.

Para información relacionada, se pueden comunicar con la Sra. Migdalia Dávila-Pérez, Oficial de Asuntos Estudiantiles: migdalia.davila@upr.edu

Consejos para Presentaciones

Comparto con ustedes un post en el blog del Bibliotecario David Lee King de la Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library. En el mismo, King nos ofrece unos consejitos para la preparación de presentaciones ya sea en persona u "online".

Presentation Tips

Luis E. Méndez
Estudiante EGCTI/UPR

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

2009 Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant

"Worlds connect @ your library"

The Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week grant will award $3,000 to a single U.S. library for the best public awareness campaign during National Library Week 2009. All types of libraries and library organizations are welcome to apply.

This year's grant focuses on the National Library Week theme, "Worlds connect @ your library®." All proposals must use this theme.

Funds are to be used to support the winner's National Library Week promotional activities as outlined in the application and cannot be used for capital expenses, such as books or equipment.

Applications must be postmarked by October 17, 2008

Download an application (MS Word doc)

@ your library®, The Campaign for America's Libraries

Read about last year's winner

Guidelines for using the @ your library® brand correctly

Information about National Library Week

Scholastic Library Publishing Web site

Questions? Contact Megan McFarlane - 800/545-2433, ext. 2148

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008

Podcast sobre Servicios de Referencia

Comparto con ustedes el enlace a un podcast que produce ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries).

En este podcast, el editor en jefe de College & Research Libraries News David Free dialoga con Sarah Steiner and Leslie Madden, de Georgia State University, y nos hablan sobre la publicación The Desk and Beyond: Next Generation Reference Services, de la cual son editores.

Se unen al conversatorio los autores de los capítulos Meredith Farkas de Norwich University, Ross LaBaugh de California State University - Fresno, y Jerilyn Veldoff de la University of Minnesota.

En el encuentro, los participantes discuten varios de los nuevos caminos, "trends", que se están dando en la sala de referencia.

Luis E. Méndez Márquez
Estudiante EGCTI/UPR

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008

El futuro de los Artículos de Referencia

Comparto con ustedes una noticia tomada del blog ilbrarian. La misma se titula Evolution to revolution to Chaos? Reference in transition, que aparece en el Searcher Magazine http://www.infotoday.com/searcher/sep08/index.shtml de este mes.

La noticia habla acerca de los cambios que están ocurriendo en los servicios de referencia dentro de la biblioteca. Personalmente recomiendo que se subscriban al blog de ilibrarian http://oedb.org/blogs/ilibrarian/, ya que es uno con gran contenido de importancia para los bibliotecarios y estudiantes en la EGCTI.

Luis E. Méndez
Estudiante EGCTI/UPR

Be Quiet! I'm Listening! Incorporating Recorded Books Into K-12 Literacy Strategies

School Library Journal, 9/3/2008

Join a panel of reading experts from both the media center and the classroom on Wednesday, Sept. 23, at 2 PM ET who will discuss a variety of best practices and strategies for incorporating recorded books in their institution’s literacy programs. Recorded books are a research-validated tool for improving vocabulary, comprehension, and literacy skills for young readers of all abilities and are especially effective with emerging, reluctant, and ESL readers. This free webcast is sponsored by Recorded Books – register now!

En: http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/article/CA6591717.html?nid=4302&rid=&source=title

Recuerda visitar:

http://egcti.upr.edu / http://investigacreaeinnova.blogspot.com

Saludos, Luisa Vigo-Cepeda

egctianauprblog@gmail.com / http://egctianauprblog.blogspot.com

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

The Open Library Environment (OLE) Project

With support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Open Library Environment (OLE) Project will convene the academic library community in the design of an Open Library Management System built on Service Oriented Architecture. The project leaders are a multi-national group of libraries dedicated to thinking beyond the current model of an Integrated Library System and to designing a new system that is flexible, customizable and able to meet the changing and complex needs of modern, dynamic academic libraries. The end product will be a design document to inform open source library system development efforts, to guide future library system implementations, and to influence current Integrated Library System vendor products.
Pueden visitar el portal en: http://oleproject.org/

Recuerden visitar:

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

El Ubuntu y La quinta disciplina

Umuntu ngumuntu nagabantu A person is a person because of other people.

We are all part of the same system. Senge

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Catedrática egctianauprblog@gmail.com y Janet Pabellón-Alamo, Estudiante de Maestría janetpabellon@gmail.com Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Sawabona Shikoba
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

En el 2006 al estar juntas en la clase de Administración de Servicios de la Información (CINF 6400) en la Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información, de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, y exponernos a La quinta disciplina (1990), y La quinta disciplina en la práctica (1999), de Peter Senge, estudioso del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) y director del Centro de Aprendizaje Organizacional del MIT, tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer el concepto y la filiosofía del Ubuntu. Senge es precisamente uno de los exponentes del concepto de las comunidades que aprenden y los equipos de trabajo de alto rendimiento.

El pasado sábado, en un encuentro especial para la elaboración del portafolio profesionaldel estudiante egctiano, nos dio mucho gusto rememorar el tiempo en que conocimos la ética o ideología y los valores, que subyacen en la filosofía Ubuntu. Nos sentimos muy complacidas al compartir experiencias y observar que ya hemos integrado la filosofía con mucha más vehemencia en nuestro diario vivir. Compartimos algunas referencias para su información y marcos de referencia.

Ubuntu (ideology) Ubuntu, pronounced /ùbúntú/ (oo-BOON-too), is a sub-Saharan African ethic or ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. The word has its origin in the Bantu languages of Southern Africa. Ubuntu is seen as a traditional African concept. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(ideology)

Entrevista a Nelson Mandela http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=6YbZU84oId8

Living values of Ubuntu http://www3.unesco.org/iycp/uk/uk_visu_projet.asp?Proj=00086

La etica Ubuntu http://www.deugarte.com/wiki/contextos/Ubuntu

Nabudere, Dani W. Ubuntu philosophy, memory and reconciliation http://www.grandslacs.net/doc/3621.pdf.

Ubuntu Declaration on Education and Science and Technology for Sustainable Development
The SCA issued the Ubuntu Declaration with the United Nations University, UNESCO, ICSU, and others at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, August 25?September 4, 2002. http://www.scj.go.jp/en/sca/data/ubuntu.html

De Lange, A.M. Ubuntu LO13461 http://learning-org.com/97.05/0042.html

Pinto, Filipe. The fifth discipline book review

Fullerton, J. Review of The fifth discipline, Peter Senge http://www.rtis.com/nat/user/jfullerton/review/learning.htm

Guija Espinoza, Percy. La organización del conocimiento y el manejo de la informacion http://www.ileperu.org/contenido/Articulos/laorganizacion_pguija.htm

Infed. Peter Senge and the learning organization. Peter Senge's vision of a learning organization as a group of people who are continually enhancing their capabilities to create what they want to create has been deeply influential. We discuss the five disciplines he sees as central to learning organizations and some issues and questions concerning the theory and practice of learning organizations. http://www.infed.org/thinkers/senge.htm

Ortiz Picasso, Andrea. La quinta disciplina: Peter Senge. http://www.monografias.com/trabajos27/quinta-disciplina/quinta-disciplina.shtml

Rebolledo S., Mauricio. La V disciplina en la práctica: (Mas sobre Ubuntu) http://biogestion.blogspot.com/2006/04/la-v-disciplina-en-la-practica-ms.html

Ubuntu Linux . Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system , freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too!

The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Philosophy: that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.

These freedoms make Ubuntu fundamentally different from traditional proprietary software: not only are the tools you need available free of charge, you have the right to modify your software until it works the way you want it to. http://www.ubuntu.com
On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 7:34 AM, Luisa Carolina Vigo-Cepeda wrote to ACURIL’s Executive Council

I am because you are. Emmanuel Kant. The Humanity Formula http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-moral/#HumFor

Umuntu ngumuntu nagabantu A person is a person because of other people. San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 16, 2006

Sawu bona, dear ACURIL Executive Council Members:

Sixteen years ago, prior to my trip to Suriname, I was introduced through Peter Senge's The fifth discipline (english version 1990), to the Ubuntu philosophy: the humanity that shares everything; the work of one with another, recognizing our individualities, but strategically together to reorient our paths in good faith, sharing our development, visualizing the highest value, and truly be. Ubuntu is value, beauty, life, love, respect for each human being.

In his book, Senge tells us that in the Natal Tribes in South Africa, the common greeting, equivalent to our 'hello ' is the expression of Sawu bona. Literally it means 'I see you'. Members of the tribe respond saying Sikkhona, 'I am here'. The existence of the community is determined from the recognition of each other. A person is as person because of other people. It is to recognize that one is, acknowledging that the others exist, inspite of the differences; but recognition of others is required if one is to be.

Between the six days past, from Wednesday to Monday, I crossed the Caribbean sea, twice. I crossed the Para River, twice. And I dipped into the Cola Creek, twice. I re-encountered myself again, and really understood the mission of my life. My aura and heart are restored, renovated and strengthened, with the ardent hope to continue practicing the Ubuntu as an integral part of my life in this Universe, and as long as Our Lord prescribes.

Who am I without you?
It is, as we discussed last night in the course of Administration of Information Services at the Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies of the University of Puerto Rico, an important framework, a challenge that will allow all of us who wish to develop and be part of a real Learning Community geared to humanize our relationships and to acceprt our interdependency, at various levels: personal, local, regional and global.

We are All ACURILEANS. Thank you to all and each one of you for being the way you are and for allowing me to be part.

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda

"The information literate individuals are those who have learned how to learn" (ALA, 1989)

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