jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

MLibrary and Creative Commons Licenses

Creative Commons Logo

The University of Michigan Library has decided to adopt Creative Common Attribution-Non-Commercial licenses for all works created by the Library for which the Regents of the University of Michigan hold the copyrights. These works include bibliographies, research guides, lesson plans, and technology tutorials. We believe that the adoption of Creative Commons licenses is perfectly aligned with our mission, "to contribute to the common good by collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating, and sharing the record of human knowledge."

University Librarian Paul Courant said, "Using Creative Commons licenses is another way the University Library can act on its commitment to the public good. By marking our copyrighted content as available for reuse, we offer the University community and the public a rich set of educational resources free from traditional permissions barriers."

What is Creative Commons?
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization that created a set of simple, easy-to-understand copyright licenses. These licenses carve out a spectrum of options between the "all rights reserved" of traditional copyright and the rights-free public domain. The "Some Rights Reserved" model helps copyright holders to share their work easily without giving up all their rights, and it allows everyone to find work that is free to use without permission.

What is the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial license?
The Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial license allows anyone to use the work - to copy, distribute, display, or perform it, and derivative works based on it - as long as the user gives proper attribution to the University of Michigan Library, and as long as the use is non-commercial.

What resources will be available with Creative Commons licenses?
All original copyrighted material that is created by Library staff and in which the copyright belongs to the Regents of the University of Michigan will be available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial license. This includes bibliographies, research guides, lesson plans, and other resources. For some samples of the kinds of excellent resources that will now be available for adaptation and re-use, see our many Library Research Guides http://www.lib.umich.edu/guides/, the Usability Studies produced by the Library's Usability Working Group http://www.lib.umich.edu/usability/projects/projects.html, or the tutorials for using spatial and numeric data http://www.lib.umich.edu/nsds/spatial_tutorials/.

The Library has begun attaching Creative Commons licenses to content throughout its website, but some pages do not include the license code yet. The licenses will be fully integrated into the Library's new website design, scheduled for release in Fall 2008.

To learn more about Creative Commons, visit the Creative Commons website http://creativecommons.org or watch the Get Creative video http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/getcreative/

Informed Learning: New ACRL Publication

CHICAGO – The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has released a new publication, “Informed Learning.”

Written by noted Australian learning theorist Christine S. Bruce, it provides a unique perspective on helping students become successful learners in fluid and fast moving information environments. The work is essential reading across higher education for those interested in learning theory and the teaching of information use.

In answering the question “What should we teach and how, so that our students will use information successfully, creatively and responsibly in their journey as lifelong learners,” Bruce has created a powerful and extensive examination of how information literacy and disciplinary learning can coexist. The framework for what Bruce terms “informed learning” will enable professors, teachers, librarians, researchers and researcher-librarians to work together in a responsive way to help students discover, process and use information.

Bruce is professor in the Faculty of Information Technology at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, and the author of numerous works on learning and information. Her previous titles include “The Seven Faces of Information Literacy” (1997), “Transforming IT Education: Promoting a Culture of Excellence” (with C. Mohay, G. Smith, G. Stoodley, and R. Tweedale, 2000) and “Information Literacy Around the World: Advances in Programs and Research” (with P.C. Candy, Charles Sturt, 2000).

“Informed Learning” is available for purchase through the ALA Online Store (http://www.alastore.ala.org) and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the U.S. or (770) 442-8633 for international customers.

Contact: Kathryn J. Deiss, ACRL Content Strategist, (312) 280-2529, kdeiss@ala.org


ACRL is a division of the American Library Association, representing nearly 13,000 academic and research librarians and interested individuals. ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic and research librarians. Its initiatives enable the higher education community to understand the role that academic libraries play in the teaching, learning and research environments.

Aportación para EGCTIANABlog de: Maria de los Angeles Zavala-Colón, mzavala@coqui.net

Recuerden visitar: http://egcti.upr.edu ; http://investigacioncreatividadeinnova.blogspot.com

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Open @ccess Day, October 14, 2008

Open Access Day - October 14, 2008 - openaccessday.org

Washington, DC – August 28, 2008 – SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), the Public Library of Science (PLoS), and Students for FreeCulture have jointly announced the first international Open Access Day. Building on the worldwide momentum toward Open Access to publicly funded research, Open Access Day will create a key opportunity for the higher education community and the general public to understand more clearly the opportunities of wider access and use of content.

Open Access Day will invite researchers, educators, librarians, students, and the public to participate in live, worldwide broadcasts of events. In North America, events will be held at 7:00 PM (Eastern) and 7:00 PM (Pacific) and feature appearances from:

Sir Richard Roberts, Ph.D., F.R.S.
Joint winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1993 for discovering split genes and RNA splicing, one of 26 Nobel Prize-winners to sign the Open Letter to U.S. Congress in support of taxpayer access to publicly funded research, and currently at New England Biolabs, USA. [7PM Eastern]

Philip E. Bourne, Ph.D.
Philip E. Bourne is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of PLoS Computational Biology and the author of the popular PLoS Computational Biology Ten Simple Rules Series. He is Professor in the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of California San Diego, Associate Director of the RCSB Protein Data Bank, Senior Advisor to the San Diego Supercomputer Center, an Adjunct Professor at the Burnham Institute, and Co-Founder of SciVee. [7PM Pacific]

Librarians and student organizers are invited to host meetings around the broadcast. To see a list of participating campuses and to sign up, visit the Open Access Day Web site athttp://www.openaccessday.org. Additional international events will be announced shortly.

The event will also mark the launch of the new “Voices of Open Access Video Series.” Key members of the research community, including a teacher, librarian, researcher, student, patient advocate, and a funder, will speak on why they are committed to Open Access.

“The momentum behind Open Access to research has been accelerating for some time now, even before the mandates at the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Harvard University,” said Heather Joseph, Executive Director of SPARC. “Events beyond the U.S. especially underscore the higher education community’s commitment to having the access they need. Open Access Day will provide a perfect way for folks to come together, consider, and celebrate the ramifications of the global shift we’re experiencing.”

“Open Access Day is a great opportunity to inform everyone on campus about the nature and importance of Open Access,” added Nelson Pavlosky, Co-Founder of Students for FreeCulture. “It’s really an issue that impacts everyone in the university, whether they are professors who publish, students who research, or librarians who purchase journal subscriptions. Students for FreeCulture looks forward to working with SPARC and PLoS to inform our peers, as well as faculty, staff and administration, about how Open Access can help bring publishing into the 21st Century.”

“Making full use of the Internet to share and reuse content without restriction is pushing scientific communication into the future,” said Peter Jerram, CEO of PLoS. “Open Access Day acknowledges the enormous progress that’s been made towards comprehensive access to research. We are pleased to be partnering with the community on this special day. We would ask our supporters to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the commencement of our publishing activities in October by participating.”

Open Access Day was inspired by the National Day of Action on February 15, 2007, led by Students for FreeCulture with support from the Alliance for Taxpayer Access. This year, the same partners have joined forces with PLoS, the Open Access scientific and medical Web publisher. Open Access-supporting organizations are also invited to take part. For details, contact the organizers.

For details and to participate, visithttp://www.openaccessday.org.

For more information, contact:
Jennifer McLennan
(202) 296-2296

SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), with SPARC Europe and SPARC Japan, is an international alliance of more than 800 academic and research libraries working to create a more open system of scholarly communication. SPARC’s advocacy, educational and publisher partnership programs encourage expanded dissemination of research. SPARC is a founder of the Alliance for Taxpayer Access, representing taxpayers, patients, physicians, researchers, and institutions that support open public access to taxpayer-funded research. SPARC is on the Web at http://www.arl.org/sparc.

Students for FreeCulture (SFC)
Students for FreeCulture is a diverse, non-partisan group of students and young people who are working to get their peers involved in the free culture movement. Launched in April 2004 at Swarthmore College, it has helped establish student groups at colleges and universities across the United States. Today, chapters exist at over 30 colleges, from Maine to California, with many more getting started around the world. Students for FreeCulture was founded by two Swarthmore students after they sued voting-machine manufacturer Diebold for abusing copyright law in 2003. Named after the book Free Culture by Stanford University law professor Lawrence Lessig, it is part of a growing movement, with roots in the free software/open source community, media activists, creative artists and writers, and civil libertarians. Groups with which it has collaborated include Creative Commons, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public Knowledge, and Downhill Battle. Students for Free Culture is on the Web at http://www.freeculture.org.

The Public Library of Science (PLoS) is a non-profit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world’s scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource. PLoS publishes open access, peer-reviewed journals available online to anyone. PLoS celebrates their fifth anniversary on October 13, 2008. PLoS is on the Web at http://www.plos.org.

Recuerden visitar:

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008

EGCTI en Feria de Escuelas Graduadas de la Universidad de Puerto Rico

De camino a la celebración del 40mo Aniversario de la Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información (EGCTI), de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, en el 2010, y con el lema Apodérate del Mundo de las Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información y del Conocimiento, la Escuela se encuentra participando en la Feria de Escuelas Graduadas, organizada por el Decanato de Estudios Graduados e Investigación < http://graduados.uprrp.edu> en el recinto riopedrense.

La Sra. Migdalia Dávila-Pérez, Oficial de Asuntos Estudiantiles, la estudiante de maestría Yumarys Polanco Almonte y el artista gráfico Neftalí Rodríguez-Pérez, todos integrantes de la comunidad egctiana, iniciaron las presentaciones junto a otros compañeros de programas académicos, durante la pasada semana, en el campus de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao.

En su presentación entusiasta brindaron información a estudiantes, facultad y otros interesados sobre el programa de la EGCTI, tanto de Maestría como de la oferta de Certificados post-bachillerato y post-maestría.

La EGCTI es la Escuela líder en el campo de la información en Puerto Rico y el Caribe. Tiene como objetivo formar profesionales que se puedan desempeñar en diferentes contextos, de manera creativa y proactiva, con visión de futuro, en el ámbito de la información.

La Escuela promueve en sus estudiantes el deseo por llevar a cabo una práctica profesional de calidad, el interés por investigar y desarrollar nuevos productos y servicios, con valor agregado, en atención a los diversos requerimientos de los diferentes sectores de la comunidad. Con su oferta académica la Escuela responde a los retos y las exigencias de una sociedad que cambia vertiginosamente.

La oferta académica de la Escuela presenta un currículo de avanzada que se apoya en estrategias innovadoras de enseñanza-aprendizaje, con amplios recursos bibliográficos y tecnológicos, asegurando la pertinencia y excelencia académica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.

El programa de Maestría recibió la certificación de reacreditación de la American Library Association http://www.pla.org/ala/educationcareers/education/accreditedprograms/directory/index.cfm , por siete años, en Julio de 2008, lo que honra a la Facultad, al Personal Administrativo, a los estudiantes y egresados de la Universidad .

Interesados en recibir información sobre los programas de la Escuela se pueden comunicar con la Sra. Migdalia Dávila-Pérez por medio del correo electrónico: < migdalia.davila@upr.edu >; comunicándose por los teléfonos 787-764-0000, x3530 ó 5029, ó 787-763-6199; o escribiendo a la Oficina de Asuntos Estudiantiles, Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Apartado Postal 21906, San Juan, PR 00931-1906.

Para información adicional de la Escuela, recuerden visitar: http://egcti.upr.edu

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

Librarians on the Cat Walk: Communicating for Advocacy to Influence Policy and Practice; IFLA 2009, Call for Papers and Mentors

The World Library & Information Congress/ IFLA General Conference Milan, Italy, August 23-27, 2009

Call for Papers and Mentors

Management of Library Associations Section with Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section, and Action for Development through Libraries Programme (ALP)


This programme is a collaboration between the Management of Library Associations Section (MLAS), and the Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section (CPDWL), and Action for Development through Libraries Programme (ALP)

ALP will sponsor one participant from each of the three IFLA regions to become trainers in their regions. It is up to Regional Offices and Sections to select a person to become a trainer in the questions handled in our session.

GLOBAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM – (GLAD) was developed by MLAS and received the approval of the IFLA Governing Board in 2006 as a strategic initiative.

The objective of the GLAD Programme is to help to develop a set of skills relating to Library Association Management in order to strengthen the pool of qualified personnel who will potentially manage Library Associations at the local level. This in turn will help to strengthen the pool of potential candidates from which IFLA can draw for leadership positions within the association.

MLAS, and CPDWL share the mission of the GLAD Programme: to strengthen the management of library associations in order to make associations stronger players in the development of libraries and thus in the development of societies in all parts of the world. This is to be achieved through continuous training and development of information professionals, as one of the objectives of the CPDWL Section.

The World Library & Information Congress/ IFLA General Conference takes place in Milan, Italy, August 23-27, 2009. The overall conference theme is "Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage". As part of the conference program the MLAS and CPDWL will host a one-day session:

Part 1: Papers* will focus on topics including:

· Successful Advocacy Programmes

· Communication and Promotion

· Influencing the Political Agenda

· Identifying the Right Arena for Advocacy

· Working with Media

*Note: Invited speakers will be allocated 20 minutes presentation time after which there will be 10 minutes of discussion.

Part 2: Interactive practice in making presentations:

· Solicitation will be made for volunteers to submit their presentations of which two will be selected for review and evaluation

· The two selected presentations will be given by the volunteers

· After the volunteers have finished, a film on presentations will be shown

· The two selected volunteer presenters will be assigned mentors to assist with improving their presentations*

· To demonstrate lessons learned after working with their mentor, the same two presentations will be given again by the volunteers

*Note: While the selected presenters are working with their mentors the rest of the audience will have an opportunity to work with other mentors with any presentations they have with them.

LIS educators and practitioners are invited to submit:

Part 1) Papers for presentation on the topics listed above,

Part 2) Interactive practice presentations

a) Letters of qualification of expertise on presentation mentoring;

b) Volunteer presentations for review and presentation

Instructions and Process

Submissions should provide practical information that will enhance the ability of participants to become successful Library Association Managers and Leaders in the profession.

Part 1: To submit a paper please send a 1000 word abstract, that will allow us to evaluate the suitability of the paper for presentation, on one of the topics mentioned above or any other topic that is in keeping with the objective of the workshop. Include a short biography on the author and a digital photo if available.

Part 2: If interested in being a volunteer presenter, please send a 200 word statement on your presentation and the PowerPoint you have developed for your presentation. Include a short biography on the volunteer presenter and a digital photo if available.

If interested in being a mentor please send a letter of qualification of expertise on mentoring and a digital photo, if available.

All material must be submitted by 15 December 2008 to:
Sylvia Piggott, CPDWL Section;

E-mail: spiggott@sympatico.ca

All material will be reviewed by MLAS and CPDWL standing committee members. Successful applicants will be notified by end of February 2009. Full papers will be due 1 May 2009 to allow time for review of final papers and translations. Papers should not be longer than 20 pages. A maximum of 20 minutes will be allowed for a PowerPoint summary of the paper during the Sections’ program in the Conference.

All submitted material must be in English. Papers can be presented at the Conference in any IFLA working language (English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic). The Interactive practice in making presentations sessions in Part 2 should be conducted in English.

Information on the author, volunteer presenter, or mentor should include name, contact details, affiliations (home institution, professional memberships, etc.) Please note that the expenses of attending the Milan conference will be the responsibility of the author(s) /presenter(s) of accepted papers.

Aportado a EGCTIANABlog por:

Dr. Victor Federico Torres vtorres@uprrp.edu

Recuerden visitar:



Libraries Promoting 21st Century Literacies, IFLA 2009, Milan, Italy

World Library and Information Congress:

75th IFLA General Conference and Council

“Libraries Create Futures: Building on Cultural Heritage”

[IFLA 2009]

August 23-27, Milan, Italy



Libraries Promoting Twenty-First Century Literacies

Milan has been chosen as the site for the IFLA Congress of 2009. That year will mark the 80th anniversary of the first World Congress of libraries and bibliography that took place in Rome, Florence and Venice in June 1929, and that was the first meeting of the new-born IFLA. The story of IFLA therefore begins in Italy and our Association is proud to be able to host once more such an important international event within the sphere of libraries. For one week, from 23rd to 27th August, over 4000 librarians from all over the world will take part in this great event. The Congress is marked by a large number of scientific encounters and technical meetings. It will be accompanied by an important exhibition of services and products for libraries.

The Literacy and Reading Section and the Information Literacy Section are seeking proposals for a program to be held at the IFLA Congress in Milan in August, 2009.

It is no longer enough to be simply print literate in the twenty-first century. The complex world in which we now live requires fluency in many literacies. Through formal presentations and group discussions, this program will explore the ways in which libraries can actively promote multiple literacies.

The program will feature up to six invited papers, each focusing on a different twenty-first century literacy. We are looking for papers on basic print literacy (combating illiteracy), fluent print literacy (combating aliteracy), and information literacy. We also invite paper presentations that feature other literacies. Possibilities include multicultural literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, civic literacy, or economic literacy, to name a few.

Papers chosen for presentation will avoid repetitive definitions of literacy in general and focus instead on the particular twenty-first century literacy being addressed. They will be specific about how libraries can promote that literacy. They will be grounded in theory, research, and/or practical applications.

Proposals should provide the following information:

The particular literacy addressed in the paper

Name and institution of speaker(s)

Abstract of paper (500 words)

Brief biographical information

Proposals should be sent to Alison Ernst (aernst@nmhschool.org or Alison.Ernst@comcast.net ) by November 15, 2008. Please indicate “IFLA proposal” in the subject line. Finalists will be notified by January 15, 2009, and will be expected to submit final versions of their papers in one of the official IFLA languages by May 15, 2009. Presenters will have fifteen minutes to present their papers at the program, and time will be allowed for a moderated discussion by attendees.

For more information, please contact Sylvia Chevillotte, Chair of Information Literacy Section, at Sylvie.chevillotte@univ-paris1.fr or Ivanka Stricevic (Chair of Literacy and Reading Section) at ivanka.stricevic@zg.t-com.hr .

Please note that it is the speakers’ responsibility to find funding for their participation.

Recuerden visitar:




Luisa Vigo-Cepeda


lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

Portafolio Profesional del Estudiante en la EGCTI/UPR: Talleres en Octubre 2008

La elaboración del Portafolio Profesional del Estudiante en la Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información, en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, es un requisito del programa.

En ocasiones anteriores, durante este semestre, hemos invitado informalmente a los estudiantes a que asistan a varios talleres de introducción y algunos se han beneficiado de dicha oportunidad. Por la muestra que hemos tenido se observa el interés y el entusiasmo de los estudiantes.

Es nuestra responsabilidad asegurar que todos los estudiantes adquieran un alto nivel de conocimiento y desarrollen las destrezas necesarias para que puedan elaborar y continuar con el desarrollo y enriquecimiento de su Portafolio Profesional a través de su experiencia en el programa.

En esta semana damos comienzo al ofrecimiento de los talleres formales para la elaboración del Portafolio Profesional del Estudiante, utilizando la tecnología de Google Sites. Los recursos de capacitación son estudiantes de investigación en la Escuela. Impartirán los primeros tres talleres las estudiantes Yumarys Polanco-Almonte, Elizabeth Rivera-Hudders y Cindy Jiménez-Vera.

El Taller del Portafolio Profesional consta de dos partes. En la Primera se brinda la oportunidad de conocer la tecnología de Google Sites y se inicia la elaboración de la estructura del Portafolio Electrónico, observando la guía oficial aprobada en Facultad con la participación de los estudiantes. En la Segunda ocasión, cada estudiante podrá continuar con el desarrollo de su documento virtual ingresando contenidos, y luego seguirá enriqueciéndolo bajo la supervisión del mentor que tenga asignado o a asignársele.

La Primera Parte del Taller se ofrecerá en diferentes días, anuciándose previamente, entre las semanas del 9 al 25 de octubre. La Segunda Parte se brindará en días específicos, con anuncio previo, entre las semanas del 28 de octubre al 15 de noviembre.

Esta semana se ofrecerán en las siguientes fechas:

Jueves, 9 de octubre, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Aula 312. Recurso: Yumarys Polanco-Almonte

Viernes, 10 de octubre, 10:00 a.m.-12:00M. Aulas 312 y 314. Recursos: Elizabeth Rivera-Hudders y Yumarys Polanco-Almonte

Sábado, 11 de octubre, 10:00 a.m.-12:00M. Aulas 314 y 315. Recursos: Cindy Jiménez-Vera y Elizabeth Rivera-Hudders.

Será importante que, en la medida en que se pueda, todos los estudiantes de la Escuela se expongan a esta experiencia antes de finalizar este año académico. Esta es una responsabilidad particular de los profesores a cargo del curso Intercambio Social de la Información o con supervisión de tesis o proyecto de investigación, ya que cada uno es mentor de los estudiantes bajo su cargo.

Los estudiantes que se expongan a los talleres y completen el requisito se certificarán y dicha información se colocará en su expediente. Por otra parte, los estudiantes recibirán un Certificado de Elaboracion del Portafolio Profesional en ambas sesiones de los talleres.

Se requiere la inscripción oficial de todo estudiante en la Oficina de Asuntos Estudiantiles. Cada estudiante se deberá comunicar con la Sra. Migdalia Dávila Pérez, Oficial de Asuntos Estudiantiles; rellenar y entregar el formulario correspondiente en dicha Oficina. Los estudiantes pueden reservar sus espacios, en las fechas que interesen, a través del teléfono 787-764-0000, x 3530 ó 5029; o por medio del 787-763-6199.

Recuerden visitar:

Saludos cordiales,
Luisa Vigo-Cepeda

Federal Agencies Collaborate on Guidelines for Digitization

The Library of Congress is among a dozen federal agencies launching an initiative to establish a common set of guidelines for digitizing historical materials. Basing its efforts on a combination of collaborative research and combined experience, the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative will address a variety of issues related to the complex activities involved in the digitization of cultural heritage items.

Two working groups have been formed, one addressing content that can be captured in still images, the other involved with content categorizing sound, video, or motion-picture film. The initiative includes a just-launched Web site, http://www.digitizationguidelines.gov

Recuerden visitar:

Saludos cordiales,
Luisa Vigo-Cepeda

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

Siete Años de EDUTEKA en el CiberEspacio

En: Edición No. 22(56) /Octubre 2008

Eduteka completa este mes siete años de presencia en Internet. Fecha, doblemente satisfactoria pues simultáneamente la Fundación Gabriel Piedrahita Uribe (FGPU), su editora, completa diez años de actividades en favor del mejoramiento y actualización de la educación en Hispanoamérica.

En esta entrega, hacemos énfasis especial en integrar las TIC dentro de procesos educativos para generar Ambientes de Aprendizaje enriquecidos por estas. Precisamente, sobre estos Ambientes, publicamos los tres aspectos fundamentales que debe atender todo Docente de Área que desee integrar efectivamente las TIC en sus procesos de enseñanza/aprendizaje. La complementan una aplicación y una plantilla para hacer seguimiento al “Laboratorio de Integración”, propuesta novedosa que para facilitar la integración de las TIC hace la FGPU, y la versión en español de la revisión 2008 de los Estándares en TIC para Docentes de ISTE (NETS—T).

El Editor

Encuentre estos y otros recursos en: www.eduteka.org

Eduteka completa este mes siete años de presencia en Internet. Fecha, doblemente satisfactoria pues simultáneamente la Fundación Gabriel Piedrahita Uribe (FGPU), su editora, completa diez años de actividades en favor del mejoramiento y actualización de la educación en Iberoamérica. Este documento hace un recuento de las actividades que para cumplir su misión, ha llevado a cabo la FGPU. Incluye lo publicado en el último año; la respuesta positiva de los usuarios reflejada en las estadísticas y las experiencias nacionales e internacionales en las que se participó.
Lea el Artículo completo en la siguiente dirección
Integrar las TIC dentro de procesos educativos de manera sólida y que conduzcan a transformar las Instituciones para alcanzar los resultados propuestos, requiere una guía que indique con claridad las acciones a seguir. La Fundación Gabriel Piedrahita Uribe ha desarrollado, a lo largo de sus años de accionar, un Modelo que atiende esa necesidad. Lo componen cinco elementos básicos y en esta entrega atendemos en detalle el correspondiente a "Docentes de otras Áreas".
Lea el Artículo completo en la siguiente dirección
Versión completa y revisada de los Estándares para docentes NETS que ISTE puso a disposición de la comunidad educativa en julio pasado en NECC 2008. Incluye Matrices de Valoración (Rubrics) para Docentes de la Era Digital. Eduteka los tradujo y publica esa traducción al español, por permiso especial de esa reconocida organización.
Lea el Artículo completo en la siguiente dirección
El "Laboratorio de Integración" (LI) es uno de los principales desarrollos de la FGPU para facilitar la integración efectiva de las TIC en procesos educativos. Esta "Bitácora del Laboratorio de Integración", pretende facilitar el seguimiento de este proceso. Se desarrolló en el INSA y la publicamos hoy por encontrarla valiosa para los docentes.
Lea el Artículo completo en la siguiente dirección
Plantilla diseñada conjuntamente por la FGPU y el colegio Miraflores de Comfandi para hacer seguimiento al trabajo de los docentes de Área, en los procesos de integración. Se consignan en ella, datos básicos de cada sesión, además de observaciones y novedades que se presenten. Se ofrece en formato de MS Word para facilitar su utilización.
Lea el Artículo completo en la siguiente dirección
Con esta entrega de cumpleaños ofrecemos una selección de los mejores artículos publicados por Eduteka. Ellos están organizados en las siguientes categorías: Los 15 más visitados y recomendados por los usuarios, los 10 Recomendados por Eduteka, las 10 Reseñas más consultadas, los Módulos Temáticos más Populares.
Lea el Artículo completo en la siguiente dirección
Tomado de Edición No. 22(26)/Octubre de 2008

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

Certifican Consejo de Estudiantes EGCTI/UPR 2008-2009

Con fecha del 24 de septiembre de 2008, la señora Decana de Estudiantes Interina, Dra. Ivonne Moreno-Velázquez, certificó a los estudiantes electos en la Escuela como integrantes del Consejo de Estudiantes EGCTI por el período del 2008-2009. Los estudiantes que conforman el nuevo Consejo son:

Presidenta : "Balbina Rojas-Sánchez" <rojas.balbina@gmail.com>

Secretario : "Freddy A. Oropeza-Herrera" <fredyoro@yahoo.com>

Tesorero: "José Eddie Lleras-Crespo" <joseeddie.llerascrespo@gmail.com>


"Norma López de Victoria-Pluguez" <nlvp53@gmail.com>

"Gina Gutiérrez-Galián" <ismailia@mac.com>

"Juan C. Rueda-Santiago" <fantabuloso68@gmail.com>

"Cindy Jiménez-Vera" <cindyjvera@gmail.com>

"Reynaldo Frias Santana" <rey21do@gmail.com>

Representante Consejo General:
"Reynaldo Frias-Santana" <rey21do@gmail.com>

Representante Senado Académico:
"Elizabeth Rivera-Hudders" <cantara@gmail.com>

Representante al Decanato de Estudios Graduados e Investigación:
"Yumarys Altagracia Polanco-Almonte" <yumarys@gmail.com>

Por otra parte, la Escuela reconoce a los siguientes estudiantes electos para fungir como respresentantes del Consejo en diferentes Comités de Facultad.

Comité de Admisiones:
"Victor Belén-Lora" <vbelen60@gmail.com>

Comité Conjunto:
"Carmen Yadira Avendaño" <ayajerecuaro@gmail.com>
"Nathalie González Torres" <ngonzalez0810@gmail.com>

Comité de Currículo:
"Elizabeth Rivera-Hudders" <cantara@gmail.com>
"Mario Vázquez-Asencio" <senorvazquez@gmail.com>

Comité de Biblioteca:
"Yumarys Altagracia Polanco Almonte" <yumarys@gmail.com>
"Elizabeth Rivera-Hudders" <cantara@gmail.com>

Comité de Tecnología:
"Lourdes Negrón" <lnegron@prtc.net>

Las elecciones de los estudiantes a los mencionados cargos constituyen una distinción muy especial. Gracias por aceptar ser parte integrante de la acción proactiva, de cambios positivos e innovación de la Escuela de Camino hacia su 40 Aniversario en el 2010, y a la gesta entusiasta, concertada, de nuestra Universidad hacia el 2016.

Reciban todos nuestra mas cálida enhorabuena. Les deseamos a todos muchos éxitos en las encomiendas.

Recuerden visitar:

Saludos cordiales,

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Ph.D.
Catedrática / Directora Interina