Nos queda muy poco tiempo, en este rico y espectacular verano 2008, para pensar cómo utilizar la gran variedad de tecnologías que tenemos a nuestro alcance, aplicarlas a diferentes situaciones y disfrutarlas antes de que se inicien las clases el 11 de agosto. Y luego continuar con el aprendizaje, compartir y disfrutar...
Podemos crear, en un 2x3, blogs, wikis, páginas web; utilizar las tecnologías para presentar prontuarios, diseñar nuestros portafolios profesionales, crear tutoriales y manuales, y todo lo que se nos ocurra para el beneficio y la satisfacción personal, el de nuestras bibliotecas y otras unidades de información (tanto de manera individual como colectivamente) y las diferentes clientelas.
La Internet es el espacio cibernético ideal para explorar y experimentar y cuenta con una variedad de aportaciones de colegas que se brindan a compartir sus compilaciones de diferentes búsquedas para motivar y estimular la creatividad de todos y todas.
A continuación compartimos una búsqueda básica realizada en Best Colleges Online, College Degrees.Com y College@Home.
Exploremos, Experimentemos y Disfrutemos lo que nos queda del verano espectacular 2008.
50 Awesome Search Engines Every Librarian Should Know About, by Laura MilliganStudents, teachers and the public turn to their librarians for help researching everything from technology to genealogy to homework help and lesson plans. Even if your library is equipped with subscriptions and memberships to top of the line databases and online journals, you’ve probably had to get creative during a patron’s requested search for something unfamiliar. Next time, though, you can turn to one of these 50 search engines, designed to pull from the Web only the information you really need.
Recuperado de Best Colleges Online, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: Firefox 3 Add-ons That Will Change the Way You Surf the Web, by Jessica MerrittOut of the box, Firefox 3 is already an incredible web browser. But when you consider all of the power tools that can be added to it, it’s even better. Check out these add-ons for Firefox 3, and you’ll take your browser to the next level.
Recuperado de Best Colleges Online, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: Free Library 2.0 Webinars and Tutorials, by Jessica MerrittIf you’ve heard the buzz about Library 2.0, but don’t quite understand how to implement it, you’ve come to the right place. The Internet is full of helpful webinars, presentations, and tutorials designed to help you take your library to the next level, and we’ve highlighted some of the most useful of these here. Read on to learn how your library can get with the times.
Recuperado de College@Home, 25.07.2008. Accedido a través de: Exciting Google Apps and Tools for Educators, by Laura Milligan…these Google applications and tools, creating websites, collaborating with students and other teachers in real-time over the Internet, and staying organized through your cell phone has become a quick and easy way to bring technology to students, find more relevant information from specialized search engines and utilize multimedia tools to make learning more fun and a teacher’s job just a little bit less hectic.
Recuperado de Best Colleges Online, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner, by Christina LaunFor those unfamiliar with the term, a learning style is a way in which an individual approaches learning. Many people understand material much better when it is presented in one format, for example a lab experiment, than when it is presented in another, like an audio presentation. Determining how you best learn and using materials that cater to this style can be a great way to make school and the entire process of acquiring new information easier and much more intuitive. Here are some great tools that you can use to cater to your individual learning style, no matter what that is.
Recuperado de College@Home, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de Useful Web Tools for Writers, by Laura MilliganAll kinds of writers, including poets, biographers, journalists, biz tech writers, bloggers and technical writers, take a unique approach to their jobs, mixing creativity with sustainability. Whether you’re a freelance writer just scraping by or someone with a solid job and more regular hours, the Internet can provide you with unending support for your practical duties like billing, scheduling appointments, and of course getting paid; as well as for your more creative pursuits, like developing a plot, finding inspiration and playing around with words. Turn to this list for 100 useful Web tools that will help you with your career, your sanity and your creativity whenever your write.
Recuperado de College Degrees, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: Ways to Improve Usability in Your Library, by Jessica MerrittWith the popularity of Library 2.0, libraries are getting more complicated these days, and it’s becoming harder to make sure that everyone is happy. You have to stay on top of online collections, new library programs, websites, and more. Read on to find out how you can make these and other components of your library better, and make life easier for yourself and the people that visit your library.
Recuperado de Best Colleges Online, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: Most Useful Mashups for College Students, by Heather JohnsonCollege students are practically glued to their cell phones and BlackBerries, iPods, mp3 players, and absolutely any device that has an Internet connection. But despite all the resources out there to help college kids study more efficiently, connect with friends, and access music and other entertainment tools, getting bogged down in the junk and wasting time is inevitable. To help our college buddies keep better track of their time — even when they’re procrastinating — we’ve found over 40 different mashups that combine the best features from favorite tools like Google Maps, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube and more, making it possible to multitask and access tons of information on one site.
Recuperado de College@Home, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: iPhone Tips for Librarians and Researchers, by Christina LaunWhether you love or loathe technology the reality is that it’s going to play a big role in the future of libraries and educational facilities all over the world. Mobile technology has been at the center of a lot of discussion lately in research and library facilities, with schools like ACU choosing to distribute iPhones to new students for educational purposes. While the long term value of the iPhone as an educational tool is still up for debate, there are a number of ways librarians and researchers can begin using the technology to help them find information, catalogue their collections and much more. Here are a few ideas and tips to get you started on using the iPhone for more than just calls.
Recuperado de College@Home, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: to Make Flickr Work for Your Library – 50+ Resources, by Jessica MerrittFlickr is wildly popular tool for photo addicts, but did you realize that it’s full of possibilities for library use? It’s true, and there are loads of resources out there that can help you fully take advantage of what Flickr has to offer. Read on to discover guides, tools, and so much more.
Recuperado de College Degrees, 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: Learning: 25 Best Sims and Games for the Classroom, by Christina LaunVideo and computer games aren’t always associated with their educational value, but as virtual media grows and develops, educators are finding that games are a great way to get children engaged in learning while still allowing them to have fun in their classes. Not every game is well suited for the classroom, but there are loads out there that have something of value to teach, guide and grow the interest of kids both inside and outside of school. If you’re looking for something educational for your own kids to play or for a game your students can enjoy that applies to their lessons, here are some to consider.
Recuperado de College@Home 26.07.2008. Accedido a través de: