martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

International information literacy logo selected!

Edgar Luy Pérez
The winner of the contest

25-08-2008 (Paris)

During the UNESCO session of the World Library and Information Congress held in Quebec, Canada, in August 2008, Mr Abdul Waheed Khan, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, awarded the winner of the international Information Literacy Logo Contest. The winner is a young Cuban designer, Mr Edgar Luy Perez from Havana.

The international Information Literacy Logo Contest supported by UNESCO and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) aimed to create a logo to identify organizations and projects dealing with information literacy and to raise the visibility of those who carry out information literacy work.

The logo was selected by an international jury of information literacy experts among 198 submissions from 36 countries around the world.

The winner was awarded the Prize of US$3,000, and the selected logo has been recognized as an international symbol of information literacy work. The logo is now available free of charge for download and use at

“To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. The information literate individuals are those who have learned how to learn”, American Library Association (1998).

About the logo

"The logo communicates, in a simple way, the human ability to both search and access information, not only through traditional means, but also through the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), as it uses graphic resources known all over the world, such as the book and the circle. The first one symbolizes study, and the second, knowledge and information, which today are made more available through informatics, showing with this that its social aim is to communicate.

The book, open and next to the circle, comprises with it a visual metaphor representing those people who have the cognitive tools to reach information in a nimble way, as well as the desire to share this ability."

Edgar Luy Pérez (the winner)

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